Energy Observer Solutions, the web series for a changing world
Since 2019, following its appointment as France's first ambassador for the Sustainable Development Goals, Energy Observer has been behind the Solutions web series: short, dynamic episodes to promote concrete solutions promoting the SDGs. New episodes will be shared on Energy Observer's social media channels, in line with its mission to raise awareness of the issue, and in new geographical locations.

Energy Observer, France's first ambassador for the Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, the 193 member states of the United Nations drew up a roadmap, the Agenda 2030, which translates their vision of sustainable development into 17 Sustainable Development Goals which aim to reach a balance between the three pillars of our societies: economic growth, environmental protection, and social inclusion.
This Agenda represents a guide for countries, local authorities, and businesses so that all can make it their own and translate ambitions into concrete objectives.

17 Sustainable Development Goals established by the UN
Interconnected objectives
The 17 SDGs describe an ideal horizon for 2030 in which sustainable development is as important as social justice, economic growth, peace, solidarity, and the preservation of ecosystems. These 17 goals are to be achieved collectively by countries, communities, and businesses. And the current geopolitical context is nothing less than a final reminder of the urgency of profoundly changing our corporate models and individual behaviors.
An Odyssey of Solutions around the world
Beyond its technical and educational challenge, the Odyssey of Energy Observer, France's first ambassador for the SDGs, has turned into a real epic of solutions, offering a glimpse of a more sustainable world.

Japan, Australia, Thailand, New Caledonia: new Solutions episodes on our YouTube channel!
Since 2017, our laboratory vessel has been sailing the seas and oceans to meet those who devote energy to creating sustainable solutions for a more harmonious world!

Energy Observer in Sweden during her Odyssey
Launched in 2019, the Energy Observer Solutions web series aims to highlight these solutions, gathered around several episodes produced in collaboration with the French Ministry of Ecological Transition, and thus raise awareness of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals among the general public.
“Poverty, inequality, environmental degradation, global warming. Sometimes, the present seems quite dark. However, a better future exists. A future that goes hand in hand with prosperity, peace and justice for all. Together, we can write this future, guided by the Sustainable Development Goals. Seventeen goals to change our world.”

Victorien Erussard, President, Captain and Founder of Energy Observer
These short, entertaining videos are freely available in French and English on our social networks and via a dedicated platform.
Together, they form an ecosystem of replicable and accessible solutions, bringing together committed pioneers and offering keys to understanding sustainable development and the interconnectedness of the issues at stake: no eradication of poverty without access to energy, no preservation of the planet without education, etc. At a time when almost half of all French people claim never to have heard of the SDGs, raising awareness is a fundamental issue.