Ministry for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition

"Energy Observer is the first hydrogen vessel to have sailed around the globe, and it is more than just a boat. It is a detector and demonstrator of solutions. It shows us a future that already exists", says Nicolas Hulot, former Minister the Ecological and inclusive Transition and sponsor of Energy Observer
“It is a long-term evolutionary project that creates a wave of positive energy and provides a unique showcase of innovations in ecological and energy transition. I am delighted that Victorien Erussard, the captain of Energy Observer, has become the first French ambassador of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)."

Logo of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals
In September 2015, the 193 UN member states adopted the 2030 Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals. It is an ambitious agenda for People, the Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Partnership (the 5Ps), which aims to eliminate hunger and poverty worldwide while preserving our planet thanks to sustainable development.
What the Sustainable Development Goals tell us is that future solutions are to be found within new development models that will simultaneously address poverty and inequality, the preservation of our natural environment, climate change, and infrastructures and innovations that are less resource hungry, for a future decided on by everyone.
Energy Observer fits exactly into this approach: its Odyssey for the Future makes raising awareness of new renewable energy technologies possible, serving to prove their viability so that in the future they can supply our homes, buildings, neighbourhoods, and cities. Representing more than just a turnkey, ubiquitously adaptable solution, Energy Observer makes you want to take action for new solutions. The travelling village that will accompany it at its 101 stopovers in 50countries will help raise awareness of climate change, the development of renewable energy, and the Sustainable Development Goals among the people encountered — especially young people.
Energy Observer’s Odyssey for the Future simultaneously exemplifies the challenge of meeting and learning about others, and sharing knowledge. By seeking and highlighting locally developed solutions, this Odyssey forms a bond between women and men who invent and take action in creating the world of tomorrow, who push us towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
Openness to the world, promoting solutions providing hope, and sharing knowledge and experience are therefore at the very heart of this project; a project responding to the need for an ecological and solidary transition. This is why the Ministry for the Ecological and inclusive Transition is delighted to embark on this vessel, and it looks forward to its opening to the general public which will fully enable its role as an ambassador of Sustainable Development.