Equilibre des Energies

Gathering stakeholders involved in the decarbonization of human activities, the association Equilibre des Energies (EdEn) is convinced that reducing green-house gas emissions is a priority and a necessity.
This is why EdEn commits to the ambitious French project whose vocation is to prefigure a clean and CO2-free future energy mix for many versatile fields of application. During the next 5 years, around the world, the vessel will test various embarked solutions powered by solar and wind energy along with green hydrogen.
“Our association was sensitive to this initiative that allows us a glimpse at tomorrow’s electrical networks and demonstrates that a CO2-free energy mix is possible. Like EdEn, Energy Observer promotes a synergy between the different energies; working in collaboration will be the only way to reduce green-house gas emissions. This partnership is the opportunity to bring our expertise and our experience to Energy Observer’s crew, along with highlighting in our various medias their Odyssey’s latest news.”
Created in 2011, the association Equilibre des Energies (EdEn) is a cross-cutting platform gathering stakeholders from the energy, construction and mobility sectors, in phase with economic and human realities, gathered around one common project: building a better energy society