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      Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, France

      From May 17 to 21, Energy Observer made a stopover in Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, a French group of islands off the coast of Terre-Neuve, Canada. The stopover represented an important moment for the local community, who had the opportunity to discover the technological innovations on board up close, and to consider their own energy future. The stopover in Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon is part of Energy Observer's mission to raise awareness of environmental challenges and demonstrate that sustainable, viable solutions are within reach.

      Coming from: Halifax, Nova Scotia

      Weather conditions: Fog

      Time of arrival: 6:00 PM

      Travelled distance: 630 km

      Hydrogen storage level:

      The crew of Energy Observer were lucky enough to enjoy an exceptional experience off the coast of Boston.

      En route to Halifax, they were able to get up close and personal with two fin whales, as well as a majestic humpback whale in full migration to the cold waters of Newfoundland. An unforgettable experience of the beauty and power of these giants of the sea. Discover the magnificent images captured by our boatswain George Conty.

      Excitement and raising awareness

      For the first time since the Odyssey began, we were able to open our doors to the general public, and tickets quickly sold out! Our team was delighted to welcome over 120 visitors, including more than 50 students and representatives from the local authority. The enthusiasm and interest shown by each participant was remarkable, testifying to a growing awareness of the environmental and technological challenges of our project.

      The presence of the Energy Observer in Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon generated a great deal of interest. A multitude of pertinent questions were asked, illustrating the positive impact of our initiative on public awareness.


      Like many isolated areas, Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon is still dependent on the outside world for its energy supply. The island relies entirely on oil imported from neighboring Canada, and its energy mix is still far from carbon neutral!

      The multi-year energy plan adopted in 2023 sets priorities in terms of security of supply, diversification of energy sources, development of storage facilities and demand management. Several avenues are being explored, and Beatrice Cordiano, onboard scientist, tells you more from the Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon archipelago.

      Local media mobilized!

      The media were there too!

      Below, Beatrice and George live on La Première!

      Last stop before the transatlantic crossing!

      Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon is the final stopover for Energy Observer before her final transatlantic journey back to her home port of Saint-Malo in mid-June.
      Setting out from the "Cité Corsaire" in 2017, Energy Observer has covered more than 65,000 nautical miles to date - the equivalent of circumnavigating the Earth three times. This adventure has led her to explore over 40 countries, call at 40 different ports, and welcome over 350,000 visitors to her exhibition village. This latest ocean crossing represents a major milestone in Energy Observer's journey.