Halifax, Nouvelle-Ecosse
Sailing to Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, an unexpected stopover in Halifax!
En route to the French islands, our vessel had to make an unscheduled stopover in Halifax, the capital of Nova Scotia.
Coming from: Boston, USA
Time of arrival: 2:00 PM
Land temperature: 12°
Travelled distance: 655 km
Water temperature: 6°

Energy Observer in Halifax
Difficult weather conditions offshore, with a strong headwind, pushed our captain to take refuge to preserve boat and crew.
A former glacial valley submerged by rising waters after glaciation, Halifax harbor is one of the world's largest natural ice-free harbors and a strategic crossroads on the province's east coast.
The story of the cursed peninsula, the bay of 5,000 shipwrecks..
Halifax is well known for another reason: its history is closely tied to numerous shipwrecks, most notably the infamous Titanic disaster.
Off the coast of the peninsula, about a thousand kilometers away, the Titanic sank on April 15, 1912, with 2,200 passengers and crew on board. As the closest major port, Halifax sent ships to recover the bodies of the victims. After three days at sea, the sailors retrieved the bodies: 306, particularly from the Mackay-Bennett, which returned to port on April 30 with its flag at half-mast, and the sound of the tolling bell.
200 km off the coast of Halifax, Sable Island is still nicknamed the "Graveyard of the Atlantic" due to the numerous ships that regularly ran aground there until the late 19th century.
Obviously, Energy Observer doesn't want to suffer the same destiny as those boats that overturned!
Poetic navigation...
Trampoline maintenance for Energy Observer!
Unexpected meetings...
During their stopover in Halifax, the crew of Energy Observer were touched by a kind gesture from local fishermen. As the ship sailed along the coast of Nova Scotia, local fishermen approached and offered freshly caught lobsters.

Lobsters for the crew!
After this short and necessary stopover, Energy Observer was able to set sail again in more favorable conditions to continue its Odyssey, heading to Saint-Pierre-and-Miquelon!